2006 - 2010 Princeton University, B.A. in Physics
2010 - 2017 California Institute of Technology, PhD in Applied Physics
2017 - 2021 Max Planck-UBC-UTokyo Center for Quantum Materials,Postdoc Fellow
Hao Chu joined the School fo Physics and Astronomy of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2021. His research primarily focuses on uncovering symmetry breaking and exotic collective excitations of correlated materials as well as optical engineering of novel phases of matter, all using ultrafast and nonlinear spectroscopy methods. He is currently investigating high-Tc superconductors and low-dimensional materials. His results have been published in Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Communications and Physical Review Letters.
Hao Chu, Sergey Kovalev, Zi Xiao Wang, Lukas Schwarz, Tao Dong, Liwen Feng, Rafael Haenel, Min-Jae Kim, Parmida Shabestari, Hoang Le Phuong, Kedar Honasoge, Robert David Dawson, Daniel Putzky, Gideok Kim, Matteo Puviani, Min Chen, Nilesh Awari, Alexey N. Ponomaryov, Igor Ilyakov, Martin Bluschke, Fabio Boschini, Marta Zonno, Sergey Zhdanovich, Mengxing Na, Georg Christiani, Gennady Logvenov, David J. Jones, Andrea Damascelli, Matteo Minola, Bernhard Keimer, Dirk Manske, Nanlin Wang, Jan-Christoph Deinert, Stefan Kaiser. Fano interference of the Higgs mode in cuprate high-Tc superconductors. https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09971v1
Jun-Yi Shan, M. Ye, H. Chu, Je-Geun Park, L. Balents, D. Hsieh. Giant modulation of optical nonlinearity by Floquet engineering. Nature 600, 235-239 (2021).
Hao Chu, Min-Jae Kim, Kota Katsumi, Sergey Kovalev, Robert David Dawson, Lukas Schwarz, Naotaka Yoshikawa, Gideok Kim, Daniel Putzky, Zhi Zhong Li, Hélène Raffy, Semyon Germanskiy, Jan-Christoph Deinert, Nilesh Awari, Igor Ilyakov, Bertram Green, Min Chen, Mohammed Bawatna, Georg Cristiani, Gennady Logvenov, Yann Gallais, Alexander V. Boris, Bernhard Keimer, Andreas P. Schnyder, Dirk Manske, Michael Gensch, Zhe Wang, Ryo Shimano, Stefan Kaiser. Phase-resolved Higgs response in superconducting cuprates. Nature Communications 11, 1793 (2020).
Hao Chu, Chang Jae Roh, Joshua O. Island, Chen Li, Sungmin Lee, Jingjing Chen, Je-Geun Park, Andrea F. Young, Jong Seok Lee, David Hsieh. Linear Magnetoelectric Phase in Ultrathin MnPS3 Probed by Optical Second Harmonic Generation. Physical Review Letters 124, 027601 (2020).
H. Chu, L. Zhao, A. de la Torre, T. Hogan, S. D. Wilson, D. Hsieh. A charge density wave-like instability in a doped spin-orbit-assisted weak Mott insulator. Nature Materials 16, 200-203 (2017).
L. Zhao, D. H. Torchinsky, H. Chu, V. Ivanov, R. Lifshitz, R. Flint, T. Qi, G. Cao, D. Hsieh. Evidence of an odd-parity hidden order in a spin-orbit coupled correlated iridate. Nature Physics 12, 32-36 (2016).
Ph2603 Thermal and Statistical Physics
We are actively looking for interested PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. If you are interested in our research, please contact Prof. Chu at haochusjtu@sjtu.edu.cn
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