He received Bachelor (1982), Master (1985) degrees in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), and Ph. D (1993) in Univ. of Liverpool, UK.
He is a former research scientist at Int. Supercond. Tech. Center (ISTEC) in Japan (1993.8-2001.12).
Since Jan.2002 until now, Yao has been a distinguished professor of Department of Physics, “ChangJiang” Scholar of SJTU.
He has been long studying on science and technology of crystal growth of REBCO superconductor, focusing on sizable crystals with high quality, growth mechanism, phase diagram and its correlation with processing-structure-property. Utilizing top-seeded solution-growth (TSSG), he has produced world record inch-sized crystals of RE123. For deep investigations on superconductivity, such sizable crystals as well as a variety of chemically-doped Y123 crystals have been sent to physicists, attaining world-wide collaborative achievements.
Recently, aiming at high performance, low cost and reliable fabrication for top-seeded melt-grown (TSMG) bulks (cryomagnets), his lab developed various novel approaches, such as RE123 film-seed, buffer-layer introducing in TSMG, recycling of bulk and buffer matters, cooling-rate controlled stoichiometry of RE123 (RE=Nd, Sm), self-assembly twin-seeds with precise (110)/(110)-alignment, RE211 refinement via nucleation catastrophe of modified precursor powders (RE2O3 and Ba2Cu3Ox).
1.Transition of graphite morphology in cast iron and its growth kinetics
X Yao, S Ding, X Wu, Z Xu, S Li, W Wang, ACTA Metallurgic Sinica 22 (1986) 358-360
2.The effect of heating rate variations on secondary phases in YBCO
J Ringnalda, X Yao, D McCartney, C Kiely, G Tatlock, J. Mater. Lett. 13 (1992) 357-362
3.Observations on Crystal Growth Mechanisms in the Directionally Solidified High Temperature Superconductor YBCO
E Hardman, D McCartney, X Yao, J. Mater. Sci. 30 (1995) 4839-4846,
4.NdBCO melting and solidification by a zone melting method, X Yao, K Furuya, Y Nakamura, J Wen, A Endoh, M Sumida, Y Shiohara, J. Mater. Res., 10 (1995) 3003-3008
5.Investigation of YBCO Single Crystals Grown under 1 atm Oxygen Pressure and Air Atmosphere, X Yao, T Mizukoshi, M Egami, H Zama, M Nakamura, and Y Shiohara, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 35 (1996) 2126-2132
6. Zn doping in YBCO single crystal by the SRL-CP method
X Yao, K Ohtsu, S Tajima, H Zama, F Wang, Y Shiohara J. Mater. Res. 11 (1996) 1120-6
7.Improved growth of large YBCO single crystals, X Yao, M Egami, Y Namikawa, T Mizukoshi, Y Shiohara, S Tanaka, J. of Cryst. Growth, 165 (1996) 198-201
8.Superconductivity and crystal growth of YBCO grown under 1 atm oxygen pressure
X Yao, T Mizukoshi, M Egami, Y Shiohara, Physica C,263 (1996) 197-199,
9.Growth rate and superconductivity of Y(Sm)BCO single crystals
X Yao, M Nakamura, M Tagami, Y Shiohara, Physica C 272 (1996) 227-232,
10.Influences of oxygen pressure on YBCO grain growth by a zone melting method
X Yao, M Sumida, Y Shiohara, J. Mater. Res. 11 (1996) 2711-2716,
11.Fabrication and characterization for single crystal substrates of YBCO and related materials, H Zama, F Wang, S Koyama, X Yao, M Tagami, Y Shiohara, T Morishita Mater. Sc. & Engin. B41 (1996) 98-101
12.Mixing Y(RE)BCO (RE=Nd, Sm) superconductors by crystal pulling method
X Yao, E Goodilin, H Sato, Y Shiohara, Applied Superconductivity,5 (1997) 11-19,
13.Fabrication of NdBCO single crystal oxide superconductor with enhanced superconductive properties,M Kambara, X Yao, M Nakamura, Y Shiohara and T Umeda, J. Mater. Res. 12 (1997) 2866-2872
14.Growth of Nd123 single crystals with enhanced superconductivity properties, M Kambara, M Nakamura, X Yao, Y Shiohara and T Umeda, J. Japan Inst. Metals, 61 (1997) 972-977
15.In-plane and out-of-plane thermal conductivity of a large single crystal of NdBCO prepared by the modified crystal pulling method, M Matsukawa, K Iwasaki, H Sato, K Noto, X Yao, Y Shiohara, N Kobayashi, Mater. Tran. JIM,38 (1997) 745-748
16.Large REBCO single crystals: growth processes and superconducting properties
X Yao, Y Shiohara Supercond. Sci. & Tech. Topical Review10 (1997) 249-258
17.Improvement in the current density and crystallinity of superconducting YBCO single crystal by O+ ion implantation, H Y Nan, X Yao, M Murakami, S Tanaka
Physica C,282-287 (1997) 1043-1044,
18.Single crystal growth of RE123 superconductor and its superconductive properties
Y Shiohara, M Nakamura, X Yao, M Kambara, T Umeda, Physica C,282-7 (1997) 81-84,
19.95 K NdBCO single crystal grown in air by controlling liquid composition, X Yao, M Kambara, M Nakamura, T. Umeda, Y Shiohara, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. lett. , 36 (1997) 400
20.Laser-ablation-induced surface modification of NdBCO single crystal target in pulsed laser deposition, YJ Li, X Yao, and K Tanabe, J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 4797~4801,
21.Phonon Raman study of the Nd123 –Nd211 system
M Limonov, E Goodilin X Yao, S Tajima Y, Phys. Rev. B, 58 (1998) 12368~76,
22.Improvement of surface quality of NdBCO films grown by pulsed laser deposition using a large single crystal target, YJ Li, X Yao, and K Tanabe, Physica C,304 (1998) 239,
23.Crystals growth of the neodymium-rich NdBCO solid solution, E Goodilin, M Kambara, T Umeda, X Yao, Y Shiohara, J. of Mater. Sci. and Eng.53 (1998) 54-61
24.Processes for high growth rate and high superconducting properties of REBCO
single crystals, X Yao, Y Shiohara, J. of Mater. Sci. and Eng.,53 (1998) 11-17,
25.NdBCO stoichiometry control (at Po2 =0.21atm) and enhancement of superconductivity
X Yao, M Kambara, M Nakamura, T. Umeda, Y Shiohara, Physica C,296 (1998) 69-74,
26.Construction of the quasi-ternary phase diagram in the NdO1.5-BaO-CuOx system in the air atmosphere, M Kambara, M Tagami, X Yao, E. A. Goodilin, T Umeda, Y Shiohara, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.81 (1998) 2116-24
27.Crystal growth and superconductivity of Y(Nd)BCO solid solutions
X Yao, E Goodilin, Y Yamada, H Sato, Y Shiohar, Applied Supercond.,6(1998)175-83
28.In-plane thermal conductivity of single crystals of Zn-doped YBCO in the mixed state, M Matsukawa, H Furusawa, K Noto, X Yao, Y Siohara, N Kobayashi, Physica C, 317~318 (1999) 600-602
29.Single crystal growth and LPE thin film process for RE-123 superconducting material, T Izumi, X Yao, K Nomura, K Kakimoto, M Egami, Y Nakamura, A Hayashi, Y Shiohara , Physica C,337 (2000) 7-19,
30.Growth of RE123 crystal from the NiO saturated solution by LPE method, T Izumi, X Yao, N Hobara, K Kakimoto K Hasegawa, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, and Y Shiohara, J. Jpn Inst. Met.,64 (2000) 719-722,
31.High quality YBCO films prepared by liquid phase epitaxy, X Yao, K Nomura, S Hoshi, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, J. Jpn Inst.Met.64 (2000) 323-6,
32.Crystal Growth and Superconductivity of Fe-Doped YBCO Single Crystals
X Yao, A Oka, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, Physica C,339 (2000) 99-105
33.REBCO superconductor on Ni-NdBCO buffered MgO substrate by liquid phase epitaxy process (RE=Nd, Sm, Y), X Yao, T Izumi, N Hobara, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara
Physica C 357-360 (2001) 1063-1067
34.Fabrication of Y-system coated conductors by LPE using MgO-saturated solution, N Hobara, S Asada, T Izumi, T Honjo, K Hasegawa, H Fuji, X Yao, M Kai, C Krauns, M Kuznetsov, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, and Y Shiohara,Physica C, 357-360(2001) 1038-41
35.Growth of RE123 films from the NiO saturated solution by LPE method, T Izumi, X Yao, N Hobara , K Hasegawa, M Kai, H Fuji, C Krauns, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, and Y Shiohara, Physica C,357-360 (2001) 1046-1049
36.Preferential growth of RE-Ba-Cu-O crystal by liquid phase epitaxy process, K Nomura, S Hoshi, X Yao, K Kakimoto, T Izumi, Y Nakamura, and Y Shiohara
J. of Cryst. Growth 229 (2001) 384-390
37.Crystal growth of NdBa2(Cu1-xNix)3Oz solid solutions by top-seeded solution growth
for HTSC device and tape applications, X Yao, T Izumi, Y Nakamura T Izumi, Y Shiohara, J. of Cryst. Growth 229 (2001) 374-377
38.Growth of RE-Ba-Cu-O thick film on metal substrate by liquid phase epitaxy process
T Izumi, N Hobara, K Kakimoto, T Izumi, K Hasegawa, M Kai, T Honjo, X Yao, H Fuji, Y Nakamura, Y Shiohara, J. of Cryst. Growth 229 (2001) 330-334
39.LPE Growth of RE123 Crystals from NiO Staturated Solution, T Izumi, X Yao, N Hobara, K Kakimoto, K Hasegawa, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 11 (2001) 3481~3484
40.Coated Conductor of RE-Ba-Cu-O Thick Film on Metal Tape Fabricated by Liquid Phase Epitaxy Process, T Izumi, N Hobara, K Kakimoto, T Izumi, K Hasegawa, M Kai, T Honjo, X Yao, H Fuji, Y Nakamura, Y Shiohara, IEEE Transactions on Applied Supercond.11 (2001) 2917~22
41.Preferential growth mechanism of REBa2Cu3O (RE=Y, Nd) crystal on MgO substrate by liquid phase epitaxy, K Nomura, S Hoshi, X Yao, K Kakimoto, T Izumi, Y Nakamura, and Y Shiohara, J. Mater. Res.16 (2001) 979-989
42.YBa2Cu3Oz/NdBa2(Cu1-xNix)3Oz double layers by liquid phase epitaxial growth,X Yao, T Izumi, N Hobara, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. lett.,40 (2001) 266-268
43.Formation of NdSr xBa2-xCu xOz solid solutions by crystal pulling,X Yao, E Goodilin, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, J. Mater. Res.16 (2001) 529-533
44.Development of double layered LPE processing for high-T-c RE123 coated conductors using MgO saturated system, Hobara N, Asada S, Kuznetsov M, Izumi T, Yao X, Kai M, Krauns C, Hasegawa K, Nakamura Y, Izumi T, Shiohara Y, J. Jpn Inst. Met.65 (2001) 799-802
45.Improvement of superconducting properties in YBCO thick film by Ca dopping, X Yao, D Huang, M Kuznetsov, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. lett.,40 (2001) 1314-1316
46.(110) NdBa2Cu3Oz and YB a2Cu3Oz Films Grown on (110) NdBa2Cu3Oz Single Crystal Substrates by 90°off-axis RF Magnetron Sputtering Methods, T Usagawa, X Yao, S Koyama, K Tanabe, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. lett.40 (2001) 792-5
47.Liquid phase epitaxy processed coated conductors on metal tapes, T Izumi, N Hobara , T Izumi, K Hasegawa, M Kai, H Fuji, T Honjo, X Yao, C Krauns, M Kuznetsov, Y Nakamura, Y Shiohara, Physica C, 357-360 (2001) 1027-33
48.Growth mechanism of RE-Ba-Cu-O film on MgO substrate by liquid phase epitaxy,K Nomura, S Hoshi, X Yao, K Kakimoto, Y Nakamura, T Izumi,Y Shiohara,Physica C,357-360 (2001) 1377-1381
49.Superconductor transition temperature of NdBCO LPE thick film and its controlling factors, X Yao, K Nomura, M Yoshizumi, Yuichi Nakamura, Teruo Izumi, Yuh Shiohara, Physica C,357-360 (2001) 1059-1062
50.Fabrication of coated conductor using LPE process, T Izumi, X Yao, N Hobara, S Asada, H Kai, M Kai,Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, Physica C 378 (2002) 989-92
51.Mechanism of NdBCO film growth with YBCO seed using liquid phase epitaxy, D Huang, X Yao, K Nomura, Y Wu, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, Physica C, 378 (2002) 980-983
52.Shape control mechanism in RE123 LPE films for persistent current switch material, M Kai, A Inoue, S Hoshi, K Nomura, X Yao, T Izumi, K Murata, Y Shiohara, J. Jpn Inst. Met.,66 (2002) 921-924
53.LPE Growth of RE123 on a Metal Substrate, T Izumi, X Yao, M Kai, K Hasegawa, Y Tokunaga, S Asada, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, T Watanabe, Y Shiohara, J. Jpn Inst. Met. 66 (2002) 329-333
54.Superconducting REBCO/ME-NdBCO/MgO multilayer structure by liquidphase epitaxy process (RE=Y, Sm and Nd, ME=Ni, Mg), X Yao, T Izumi, N Hobara, M Kuznetsov, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, Supercond. Sci. & Tech.15 (2002) 23-28
55.Mechanism understanding for the liquid phase epeitaxy growth of NdBCO with low peritectice temperature seeds, D Huang, X Yao, K Nomura, Y Wu, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, J. Mater. Res.17 (2002) 747-754
56.Growth mechanism of high peritectic temperature Nd1+xBa2-xCu3Oz thick film on low peritectic temperature YBa2Cu3Oz seed film by liquid phase epitaxy, X Yao, K. Nomura, Y. Nakamura, T. Izumi, and Y. Shiohara, J. Cry. Growth, 234, (2002) 611-615
57.YBa2Cu3OzThin-film-seeded Nd1+xBa2-xCu3Oz Thick-film Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy, X Yao, K. Nomura, T. Izumi, N. Hobara, Y. Nakamura, T. Izumi, Y. Shiohara, Physica C, 378 (2002) 1209-12
58.Cu-site-substituted REBa2Cu3Oz single crystals by TSSG solution-growth(RE=rare earth element),X. Yao, T. Izumi, Y. Shiohara, Prog. solid state ch. 30 (2002) 133-52 (Review)
59.Superconducting Properties of Ca-doped YBCO Thick Film by Liquid Phase Epitaxy, X Yao, DX Huang, K Nomura, Y Nakamura, T Izumi, Y Shiohara, Physica C 378 (2002) 107-11
60.Real-time observation of the melting process of YBCO thin film on MgO substrate, J Hu, X Yao, Q L Rao, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15 (2003) 7149-54
61.Fabrication of Zn-doped RE123 LPE films for persistent current switch materials, M Kai, A Inoue, S Hoshi, S Koyama, X Yao, T Izumi, K Murata, Y Shiohara, Physica C, 392 (2003) 961-64
62.Development and problems in LPE of high temperature superconductor, X Yao, T Izumi, and Y Shiohara, Physica C, 386 (2003) 374-8
63.Large-sized SmBCO single crystals with Tc over 93 K grown in atmospheric ambient by crystal pulling,X Yao, T Izumi, Y Shiohara,Supercond. Sci. & Technol. 16 (2003) L13-7 (rapid communication)
64.Direct Evidence and Mechanism of Superheating in YBCO Thin Film, X Yao, J Hu,T Izumi, Y Shiohara,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter,16 (2004) 3819-3826
65. LPE growth of the PZNT91/9 film on the (001) SrTiO3 substrate, XH Zeng, X Yao, QL Rao, YL Zhang, J Hu, JY Xu, J. Cry. Growth,262 (2004) 251-4
66.YBCO Melt-textured growth seeded by NdBCO LPE thick film, XH Zeng, X Yao, YL Zhang, Supercond. Sci.& Technol. 17 (2004) L6-9 (rapid communication)
67.95 K Sm1+xBa2-xCu3Oz single crystal with controlled stoichiometry grown under 1 atm oxygen pressure, X Yao and J Hu, Supercond. Sci. & Technol. 17 (2004) L47-9 (rapid communication)
68.NdBCO LPE Thick-film-seeded Melt-textured Growth of REBCO (RE=Sm,Y) XH.Zeng, X Yao, J Hu, YL Zhang Physica C 412-4 (2004) 103-106
69.Crystal Growth and Phase Relation of Sm1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δ, X Yao, XH Zeng, S Xu , Physica C 412-4 (2004) 90-93
70.The microwave properties of YBCO photonic crystal structure microstrip, HF Huang, JF Mao, ZY Hu, JY Liu, DN Zhen, X Yao, J of Low Temp. Phy.136 (2004) 117-25
71.Oxygen in-diffusion in LPE thick films of YBCO by electrical resistance relaxation
H Zhang, X Yao, and XH Zeng Phys. stat. sol. (a) 201 (2004) 2305–2311
72.Chemical diffusion of oxygen in crushed single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7-δ investigated by thermogravimetry,YL Zhang, X Yao, H Zhang, YP Jin, Physica C 415 (2004) 203-8
73.Growth mechanism of Sm211 crystal fiber
X Zhang, XJ Wu, X Yao, XH Zeng Materials Characterization 53 (2004) 1-6
74.Flux jumps in textured (Nd0.33Eu0.33Gd0.33)Ba2Cu3O7-δ superconductor with high content Gd-211 phase, CY Chi, JC Zhang, LW Li, F Liu, WF Li, C Jing, SX Cao, M, Muralidhar, X Yao, Acta Physica Sinica, 54 (5)(2005)2307-12
75.Bridgman growth of Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 single crystals using different seeds XJ Wu, JY Xu, ML Shi, J Tong, SJ Fan, XH Li, XH Zeng, X Yao
Materials science and Engineering B 117 (2005) 129-33
76.The orientation characterization of single crystal superconductor film with two dimensional X-ray diffraction, Q L Rao,Q Lu, X Yao,J Hu, Materials Science Forum 475-9 (2005) 4183-6
77.The oxygen diffusion behavior in melt-textured YBCO measured by thermogravimetry
YL Zhang, X Yao, H Zhang, YP Jin, Acta Physica Sinica 54 (2005) 3380-5
78.RE123 epitaxial growth on Sm211 whisker, J Hu, X Yao, ZQ Fu, XH Zeng and X Zhang Supercond. Sci.& Technol. 18 (2005) 587-591
79. A comparative study on liquid phase epitaxy initial stage of REBCO on MgO substrate
J Hu, X Yao J. Cry. Growth,275 (2005) 1843-8
80.Influences of thermodynamic factors on formation of REBCO superconductivity
YL Zhang, X Yao, S. Xu J. Cry. Growth,275 (2005) 915-20
81.PZNT epitaxy growth on STO substrates with and without PZT seed layer
F Qin, X Yao, XH Zeng, QL Rao, J Miao, XG Qiu, J. Cry. Growth,275 (2005) 2487-91
82.Temperature scaling of the flux pinning force for SmBCO single crystal
L Zhang, G Liu, X Leng, Xu XB, SY Ding, X Yao Int. J of Modern Phy. B 20 (2005) 55-8
83.YBCO melt-textured growth seeded by superheating YBCO/MgO thin film, CY Tang, X Yao, J Hu, QL Rao, YR Li, BW Tao, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 18 (2005) L31-34 (rapid communication)
84.Nano-stripes in SmBCO single crystals: origin and peak effect, A.Hu, X Yao, M Winter, H Zhou, N Sakai, MR Koblischka, M Murakami, I Hirabayashi, Physica C 426 (2005) 441-5
85.Microstructure of YBCO thin film and its effect on superheating
YQ Cai,X Yao Applied Physics A 81 (2005) 1675-9
86.Liquid phase epitaxy of REBa2Cu3Oz single-crystalline thick films
X Yao, J Hu, Prog. solid state ch. 32 (2004) 219-62. (Review)
87.Preferential growth of SmBCO on Sm211 whiskers and its dependence upon supersaturation, XH Zeng, X Yao, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 17 (2005) 4731-8
88.Low temperature specific heat of slightly overdoped YBCO
H Gao, Y Wang, L Shan, X Yao, HH Wen, Physica C 432 (2005) 293-8
89.Study on the superheating phenomenon of YBCO thin film
YQ Cai, X Yao, G Li,Acta Physica Sinica 55 (2006) 844-8
90.An alternative method for determination of the lock-in angle in twinned superconductors
SKeshavarzi, J Horvat, AV Pan, MJ Qin, SX Dou, X Yao, P Munroe
J. Appl. Phys. 99 043904 (2006)
91.Superheating phenomenon on YBCO thin film and its application in processing of REBCO bulk, YQ Cai, X Yao, CY Tang, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 19 (2006) S423-8
92.Crystal growth of high Tc SmBCO superconductor in 1 atm oxygen pressure, YQ Cai, X Yao, A Hu, XJ Wu, M Jirsa, S Xu, G Jin, Supercond. Sci. & Tech. 19 (2006) S506-9
93.Homo-epitaxial growth of YBCO bulk by using YBCO/MgO thin-film seed
CY Tang, X Yao, AB Shi, WZ Shen, QL Rao, Physica C 445-448 (2006) 299-02
94.Surface barrier and bulk pinning in SmBCO single crystal, L Zhang, XB Xu, SY Ding,
X Yao, and XL Wang, Supercond. Sci. & Tech 19 (2006) S443-6
95.Recent progress on compositional nanostripes of REBCO (RE=Sm, Eu, Gd) superconductors, A Hu, MR Koblischka, X Yao, H Zhou, M Winter, U Hartman, M Murakami and I Hirabayashi, Supercond. Sci. & Tech 19 (2006) S580-4
96.In-situ high temperature optical microscopy study of phase evolution in YBCO films prepared by a fluorine -free sol-gel route, YL Zhang, X Yao, AH Li, HK Liu, YL Xu, DL Shi, Physica C 436 (2006) 62-7
97.Mechanism of transition between a-axis and c-axis growth of YBCO thick films grown on NdGaO3 substrate, YQ Cai, X Yao and YJ Lai, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 113909 (2006)
98.In situ observation of crystal growth process of YBCO superconductive oxide with imposition of an external electric field, XM Huang, S Uda, X Yao, SJ Koh, J. Cry. Growth 294 420-6 (2006)
99.LPE growth of PZNT films using superheating YBCO seeded MgO thin film as seed layer,F Qin, X Yao, XH Zeng, QL Rao, G Li,Y Jiang, YR Li, BW Tao, Applied Physics A 84 335-9 (2006)
100.Study on different phases and their epitaxial relationships with substrates during liquid phase epitaxy of PZNT, XH Zeng, F Qin, X Yao, NH Xu, S Xu J of Mater. Sci. 41 4267-72 (2006)
101.In-plane thermal conductivity of large single crystals of Sm-substituted (YSm)BCO, M Matsukawa, H Noto, H Furukawa, X Yao, S Nimori, N Kobayashi, Supercond. Sci. & Tech 19 (2006) 777-82
102.Reversible magnetization and critical fluctuations in systematically doped YBCO single crystals, H Gao, C Ren, L Shan, Y Wang, YZ Zhang, SP Zhao, X Yao, HH Wen, Phys. Rev. B 74, 020505 R, (2006)
103.In-plane orientation effect on the melting behaviour of YBCO thin film, CY Tang, YQ Cai, XYao, QL Rao, BW Tao and YR Li, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 076203
104.Origin of the in-plane alignment transformation on YBa2Cu3Ox LPE films affected by the atmosphere environment, YQ Cai, CY Tang, LJ Sun, QL Rao, YJ Lai and X Yao, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 113907 (2007) selected for Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity 12 (2007) June 15
105.Dominant effect of oxygen enhancement on the crystalline orientation of YBa2Cu3Ox film prepared by liquid-phase epitaxial growth, YQ Cai, CY Tang, X Yao W Li, Cryst. Growth Des. 7 (2007) No 8 1469-71
106.The influence of growth conditions on the orientation of liquid-phase-epitaxial YBCO thick films, YQ Cai, X Wang, H Yu, X Yao, YJ Lai, Physica C 460–462 (2007) 351-3
107.In situ study of Sm-Ba-Cu-O phases formation on and epitaxial relations with Sm211 whisker by high-temperature optical microscopy, YB Huang, G Jin, X Yao, YQ Cai, YJ Lai, Physica C 460–462 (2007) 740-1
108.a-b Alignment influence on the thermal stability of YBCO thin film, CY Tang, X Yao, QL Rao, YR Li, BW Tao, Physica C 460–462 (2007) 738-9
109.Nernst effect in oxygen-depleted SmBCO single crystals, ZA Xu, E Ahmed, ZW Zhu, JQ Shen, X Yao, Physica C 460–462 (2007) 833-4
110.Melt-textured growth of NdBCO bulk seeded by superheating NdBCO thin film, LJ Sun, CY Tang, X Yao, Y Jiang, Physica C 460–462 (2007) 1339–40
111.The preferred orientation study on YBCO thin film during its peritectic reaction,
QL Rao, XL Fan, X Yao, Scripta Mater. 57 (2007) 663–6
112.On the pinning performance analysis in bulk RE-123 twin-free superconductors, M Jirsa, P Petrenko, X Yao, M Muralidhar, Physica C 463-465 (2007) 353-67
113.Quantum spin excitations through the metal-to-insulator crossover in YBa2Cu3O6.+y, SL Li, Z Yamani, HJ Kang, K Segawa, Y Ando, X Yao, H A. Mook, PC Dai, Phys. Rev. B 77, 014523 (2008)
114.Forty-five degree oriented YBa2Cu3O7-x/MgO Interface Structures Studied by High resolution Electron Microscopy, W Wan, YQ Cai, YM Wang, FH Li, X Yao, XJ Wu, Philosophical Magazine Letters 88 (2008) 591-8
115.Dependency of Flux Jump on Temperature and Field-Sweep Rate for Textured (NEG)BCO Bulk Superconductor with Gd-211Particles, G Jin, JC Zhang, CB Cai, X Yao, SX Cao, J Supercond Nov Magn 21 (2008)107-11
116.Intrinsic structure and thermal stability of YBCO thin film,X Wang, YQ Cai, X Yao, W Wan, FH Li, J Xiong, BW Tao, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 165405
117.In situ observation by high-temperature optical microscope of SmBCO phases growth and orientation on a Sm-211 whisker substrate, LJ Sun, YB Huang, L Cheng, X Yao, YJ Lai and M Jirsa, Cryst. Growth Des. 9 (2009) No 2, 898-02
118.Effect of Pr doping on the growth and superconducting properties of (Y1-xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7-d , XQ Xu, YQ Cai, CX Yang, X Yao, S Xu, A Kortyka and R Puzniak, Supercond. Sci. & Tech 22 (2009) 015001
119.Crystallographic axis transition of Sm1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δ film prepared by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE),CY Tang, YQ Cai, W Li, LJ Sun, X Yao, M Jirsa, Cryst. Growth Des. 9 (2009) No 3 1339-43
120.Preferential growth and peculiar interfacial atomic configuration of the YBCO liquid-phase epitaxial film with 45° in-plane alignment, YQ Cai, W Wan, FH. Li, X Wang, SB Yan, CY Tang, X Yao, M Jirsa, J Xiong, and BW Tao, Cryst. Growth Des. 9 (2009) No 7, 3218-21
121.Melt-textured growth of (LRE)-Ba-Cu-O by a cold seeding method using SmBCO thin film as a seed M Oda, X Yao, Y Yoshida, H Ikuta, Supercond. Sci. & Tech 22 (2009) 075012
122.Effect of Micro-Phase Separation on Magnetic Response in Pr-Doping YBCO Single Crystals, ZP Qin, G Jin, CB Cai, SX Cao, X Yao, JC Zhang, J Supercond Nov Magn (2009) 22: 373–9
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136.Electron-phonon coupling in cuprate high-temperature superconductors determined from electron relaxation rates, C Gadermaier, AS Alexandrov, VV Kabanov, P Kusar, T Mertelj, X Yao, C Manzoni, D Brida, G Cerullo, D Mihailovic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 257001
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139.Large size and high performance of Gd-Ba-Cu-O bulk superconductor grown by new approaches, L Cheng, TY Li, SB Yan, LJ Sun, X Yao, R Puzniak, J Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 (9) (2011) 3139-3143
140.Differences in the thermal stability of REBa2Cu3O7-x (RE=Y, Nd) thin films investigated by high temperature in-situ observation and melt-texture growth,SB Yan, LJ Sun, TY Li, L Cheng, X Yao, Supercond. Sci. & Technol. 24 (2011) 075007,
141.Oxygen partial pressure effect on the thermal stability of Nd-123 superconductor thin films, SB Yan, YY Chen, L Cheng, X Yao, J. Appl. Phys. 110 (2011) 043916, selected for Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity 21 (2011) Sep. 1
142.Mechanisms of nonthermal destruction of the superconducting state and melting of the charge-density-wave state by femtosecond laser pulses, L Stojchevska, P Kusar , T Mertelj, VV Kabanov, Y Toda, X Yao, D Mihailovic, Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 180507(R)
143.YBCO-buffered NdBCO film with higher thermal stability in seeding REBCO Growth, HH Xu, YY Chen, L Cheng, SB Yan, DJ Yu, X Yao, Supercond. Sci. & Technol. 25 (2012) 035014
144.Growth condition related orientation transition for YBCO films on NdGaO3 substrate YY Chen, LS Guo, YQ Cai, CY Tang, SB Yan, X Yao, R Puzniak,J. Cry. Growth 347 (2012) 82-87
145.Growth of Ca-Doped Large Grain Gd-Ba-Cu-O Superconductors, L Cheng, W Li, BQ Kou, X Yao, H Ikuta, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 95 (10) (2012) 3090-3094
146.Recycling failed bulk YBCO superconductors using the NdBCO/YBCO/MgO film-seeded top-seeded melt growth method, HH Xu, L Cheng, SB Yan, DJ Yu, LS Guo, X Yao, J. Appl. Phys. 111 (2012) 103910, selected for Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity 22 (2012) June 1
147.Substrate effect on thermal stability of superconductor thin films, YY Chen, TF Fang, SB Yan, BW, Tao, X Yao, J. Phys. Chem. B 116 (2012) 6187−6192
148.Large magnetic moment of gadolinium substituted topological insulator: Bi1.98Gd0.02Se3, YR Song, F Yang, MY Yao, FF Zhu, L Miao, JP Xu, MX Wang, H Li, X Yao, FH Ji, S Qiao, Z Sun, GB Zhang, B Gao, CH Liu, D Qian, CL Gao, JF Jia, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (2012) 242403
149.Carriers Dependence of the Magnetic Properties in Magnetic Topological Insulator Sb1:95 xBixCr0:05Te3, H Li, YR Song, YJ Shi, MY Yao, F Yang, L Miao, FF Zhu, D Wu, CH Liu, D Qian, CL Gao, X Yao, JF Jia, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (2012) 072406
150.Unexpected metastable transition in highly superheating state, YY Chen, TF Fang, W Li SB Yan, X Yao, J Xiong, BW, Tao, J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 103505
151.Critical state stability and flux jumps’ dynamics in a single crystal of YBa2Cu3Oz, A Nabialek, SV Vasiliev, VV Chabanenko, X Yao, YQ Cai, L Guo, MV Kuzovui, Acta Phys. Pol. A 121 (2012) 836-840.
152.Liquid Phase Epitaxy of REBCO (RE=Y, Sm) Thick Films on YBCO Thin Film Deposited on LAO Substrate, LS Guo, YY Chen, L Cheng, W Li, J Xiong, BW, Tao, X Yao, J. Cry. Growth 366 (2013) 47-50
153.Carrier Density Dependence of the Magnetic Properties in Iron-doped Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator, H Li, YR Song, MY Yao, FF Zhu, CH Liu, CL Gao, JF, Jia, D Qian, X Yao, YJ Shi, D Wu, J. Appl. Phys. 113 (2013) 043926
154.β growth kinetics from α peritectic melting of oxide films, YY Chen, CY Tang, TF Fang, SB Yan, H Li, X Yao, J. Cry. Growth 369 (2013) 8-13
155. YBCO-buffered NdBCO film with higher thermal stability in seeding REBCO growth and recycling failed bulk YBCO superconductors, HH Xu, YY Chen, L Cheng, SB Yan, DJ Yu, LS Guo, X Yao, J. of Supercond. and Novel Magnetism 26 (2013) 919-22
156.Two-layer batch-process of YBCO bulk superconductors induced by NdBCO film-seeds, DJ Yu, L Cheng, BN Peng, YY Chen, HH Xu, H Li, X Yao, H Ikuta, J. Appl. Phys. 113 (2013) , 203914
157.Identifying magnetic anisotropy of topological surface states of Cr0:05Sb1:95Te3 with spin-polarized STM, F Yang, YR Song, H Li, KF Zhang, X Yao, CH Liu, D Qian, CL Gao, JF Jia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 176802
158.Trapping mode controlled continuous growth of SmBCO bulk superconductor, BN Peng, L Cheng, YF Zhuang, HH Xu, X Yao,Cryst. Growth Des. 13, (2013) 3734− 3738
159.a-axis oriented YBa2Cu3Oy LPE films grown under ultra-low supersaturations caused by homogeneous nucleation catastrophe, LS Guo, YY Chen, L Cheng, QL Rao, X Yao, J of Appl. Crystallogr. 46, (2013) 1564-1568
160.Multi-seeded Growth of Melt Processed Gd-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductors Using Different Arrangements of Thin Film Seeds, L Cheng, LS Guo, YS Wu, X Yao, DA Cardwell, J. Cry. Growth 366 (2013) 1-7
161.Effective approach to prepare well c-axis-oriented YBCO crystal by top-seeded melt-growth, W Wang, BN Peng, YY Chen, LS Guo, XX Cui, X Yao, Cryst. Growth Des. 14, (2014) 2302−2306
162.An effective approach to achieving low supersaturation for a/b-axis oriented YBCO LPE film growth, LS Guo, YY Chen, X Yao, Dalton Trans., 43 (2014) 11936 - 11940
163.Fully gapped s-wave-like superconducting state and electronic structure in Ir0.95Pd0.05Te2, DJ Yu, F Yang, L Miao, CQ Han, MY Yao, FF Zhu, YR Song, KF Zhang, JF Ge, X Yao, ZQ Zou, ZJ Li, BF Gao, CH Liu, DD Guan, CL Gao, D Qian, JF Jia, Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014) 100501(R)
164.Strain-Induced Enhancement of the Electron Energy Relaxation in Strongly Correlated Superconductors, C Gadermaier, VV Kabanov, AS Alexandrov, L Stojchevska, T Mertelj, C Manzoni, G Cerullo, ND Zhigadlo, J Karpinski, YQ Cai, X Yao, Y Toda, M Oda, S Sugai, D Mihailovic, Phys. Rev. X 4 (2014) 011056
165.Effects of Nd2Ba4Cu2O9 addition on air-processed Nd-Ba-Cu-O superconductor bulks, YM Lei, L Cheng, BN Peng, YF Zhuang, HC Li, X Yao, H Ikuta, Supercond. Sci. & Technol. 27 (2014) 085016
166.Modified top-seeded melt-growth for large sized Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3Oy crystals, W Wang, YY Chen, LS Guo, X Yao, CrystEngComm. 16 (2014) 9685–9689
167.Continuous change of supersaturation and evolution of oriented structure in dipping LPE process of YBCO, LS Guo, YY Chen, X Yao, J. Cry. Growth 404 (2014) 69-74
168.Large size and high Tc, Jc SmBCO bulk superconductor with addition of Sm242 particles grown in air, BN Peng, L Cheng, YF Zhuang, HH Xu, X Yao, Physica C 496 (2014) 11–13
169.Peritectic melting of thin films, superheating and applications in growth of REBCO superconductors, YY Chen, XX Cui, X Yao, Prog. in Mat. Sci. 68 (2015) 97-159
170.A new cooling plus heating mode of liquid phase epitaxy and its application, LS Guo, YY Chen, X Yao, CrystEngComm. 16 (2015) 3251-3256
171.Seed-Size Effect on the Growth and Superconducting Performance of YBCO Single-Grain Bulks, HC Li, BN Peng, YF Zhuang, WS Fan, W Wang, X Yao, H Ikuta, Cryst. Growth Des. 15 (4), (2015) 1740–1744
172.Cation-Stoichiometry of Functional Oxides Modified by Oxygen Vacancy through Growth Kinetics Control, XX Cui, W Wang, YF Zhuang, LS Guo, H Xiang, X Yao, ZQ Zou, J. of Alloys and Compounds 663 (2016) 10-15
173.Polythermal method of Top-Seeded Solution-Growth for large-sized single crystals of REBa2Cu3O7-δ, H Xiang, LS Guo, HC Li, XX Cui, J Qian, G Hussain, Y Liu, X Yao, ZQ Zou, Scripta Mater. 116 (2016) 36-39
174.Thermal stability of NdBCO/YBCO/MgO thin film seeds, D Volochova, V Kavecansky, V Antal, P Diko, X Yao, Supercond. Sci. & Technol. 29 (2016) 044004
175.Film thermal stability correlation with seeding modes in the growth of YBa2Cu3O7-δ crystal, H Xiang, W Wang, HC Li, XX Cui, WS Fan, LS Guo, X Yao, ZQ Zhou, J Xiong, J of Appl. Crystallogr. 49 (2016) 873-879
176.Growth of a/c grain boundary with well-defined facet in single-crystalline YBa2Cu3O7-δ film by liquid phase epitaxy, H Xiang, J Qian, LS Guo, X Yao, J Xiong, W Peng, QL Rao, Scripta Mater. 130 (2017) 54-58
177.Almost Complete Peritectic Reaction in YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O7-δ crystallization involving Nanosized Primary Phase, J Qian, WS Fan, HC Li, H Xiang, GH Du, G Hussain, Y Liu, XX Cui, P Diko, X Yao, ZQ Zou, J Am. Ceram. Soc. 100 (5) (2017) 1804-1813
178.Ba2Cu3O7-d superconductor bulk composited by Y211 nanoparticles derived from homogeneous nucleation catastrophe, Y Liu, B Pan, Z Li, J Qian, H Xiang, GH Du, SM Huang, X Yao, M Izumi, Y Wang, J Am. Ceram. Soc. 100 (9) (2017) 3858-3864
179.Trapped Field Performance of the Gd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-δ Bulk Superconductors Fabricated by Cooling-Rate-Control-Melt-Growth,R Matsuumi, M Izumi, X Yao, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 871 (2017) 012054
180.A novel seed/buffer-layer construction for enlarging c-directional growth sector in high performance YBa2Cu3O7−δ bulk, J Qian, LTian Ma, GH Du, H Xiang, Y Liu, Y Wan, SM Huang, X Yao, J Xiong, BW Tao,Scripta Mater. 150 (2018) 31-35
181.c-Oriented YBa2Cu3O7-δ film with embedded a-oriented grains grown by liquid-phase epitaxy under fine-tuning supersaturation, H Xiang, J Qian, W Wang, Y Wan, X Yao, LG Zhou, J of Appl. Crystallogr. 51, (2018) 714-719
182.Melting behavior and superheating capacity of REBa2Cu3Oy films with nano-layer buffered structures, W Wang, H Xiang, G Hussain, DJ Yu, YS Zhu, LT Zhang, SV Samoilenkov, AR Kaul, X Yao, J Am. Ceram. Soc. 101 (4) (2018) 1704-1710
183.Discovery of slow magnetic fluctuations and critical slowing down in the pseudogap phase of YBa2Cu3Oy, J Zhang, ZF Ding, C Tan, K Huang, OO. Bernal, PC Ho, GD. Morris, AD. Hillier, PK. Biswas, SP. Cottrell, H Xiang, X Yao, DE. MacLaughlin, L Shu, Sci. Adv. 4 (1) (2018) eaao5235
184.Study on the thermal stability of the NdBCO film in inducing the growth of REBa2Cu3Ox/Ag superconductor bulks, SM Huang, GH Du, H Xiang, J Qian, Y Liu, X Yao, Scripta Mater. 152 (2018) 154-157
185.Towards a sustainable fabrication of cryomagnets: Melting driving approaches for recycling failed REBa2Cu3Ox bulks, K Liang, SM Huang, J Qian, H Xiang, Y Liu, X Yao, J Am. Ceram. Soc. 102 (2019) 1083-1089
186.EBSD Characterization of Specific Microstructures in REBCO Superconductors A Koblischka-Veneva, MR Koblischka , J Schmauch, Y Wan, J Qian, and X Yao, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 29 (2019) 6800504
187.Enhancing homogeneity of YBa2(Cu1-xFex)3O7-δ single crystal by using Fe-added Y2O3 crucible via top-seeded solution-growth, J Qian, Y Wan, SM Huang, X Yao, LG Zhou, P Diko, J of Appl. Crystallogr. 52, (2019) 706-711
188.Magnetic moment inversion at giant flux jump: dynamical property of critical state in type-II superconductors, V Chabanenko, A Nabiałek, R Puźniak, O Kuchuk, O Chumak, F Pérez-Rodríguez, U Pal, V Garcia-Vazquez, R Cortés-Maldonado, J Qian, X Yao, and H Szymczak, Scientific Report (2019) 9:6233
189.Photo-induced nonequilibrium response in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.45 probed by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy, SJ Zhang, ZX Wang, H Xiang, X Yao, QM Liu, LY Shi, T Lin, T Dong, D Wu, NL Wang, Phys. Rev. X. 105 (2020) 011056
190.Evolution of oriented structures in YBa2Cu3O7-δ films by liquid phase epitaxy through manipulating supersaturation, Y Wan, J Qian, H Xiang, W Wang, SM Huang, X Yao, A. Koblischka-Veneva, Cryst. Growth Des. 20 (2020) 3334−3340
191.Wetting and spreading of Ca-Y-Ba-Cu-O solution on Y2O3 and CaSZ crucible in growing Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d single crystal, SM Huang, YH Zhu, J Qian, Y Wan, YQ Yin, LG Zhou, P Diko, V Kucharova, K Zmorayova, YJ Kim, X Yao, J Am. Ceram. Soc. 103 (2020) 4859–4866
192.Enhancing the superconducting performance of YBa2Cu3O7-d bulks with nano-sized and well distributed Y2BaCuO5 particles, YH Zhu, YQ Yin, SM Huang, DF Zhou, V Kucharova, K Zmorayova, P Diko, X Yao, CrystEngComm. 22 (2020) 4116-4123
193.Superheating nature coupled with Mg doping effect of high-thermal-stable NdBa2Cu3O7-δ film, YQ Yin, Y Wan, SM Huang, YH Zhu, R Chen, BW Tao, QL Rao, DF Zhou, X Yao, J Am. Ceram. Soc. 103 (2020) 5624-5628
194.Tuning oxygen vacancy and growth step for high performance of Nd1+xBa2-xCu3Oy bulk cryomagnets, SM Huang, YF Zhuang, YH Zhu, YQ Yin, Y Wan, DF Zhou, X Chaud, LG Zhou, X Yao, CrystEngComm. 22 (2020) 5375 – 5381
195.Progress in buffer-supported seeding architectures for reliable epitaxial growth of RE−Ba−Cu−O bulk cryomagnets with superior properties, YH Zhu, YN Mu, LW Zeng, M Wang, X Yao, Cryst. Growth Des. 20 (2020) 7533−7549 Review
196.Enhanced stability of floating-zone by modifying its liquid wettability and fluidity for YBa2Cu3O7- crystal growth, Y Wan, GH Wang, G Li, SM Huang, YQ Yin, YH Zhu, J Qian, P Diko, V Kucharova, K Zmorayova, LG Zhou, J Ma, X Yao, Ceram. Int. 47 (2021) 5495–5501
197.Superheating and melting mechanisms of YBa2Cu3Ox surfaces, SM Huang, YY Chen, X Yao, ZH Jin, J. Appl. Phys. 129 (2021) 105302
198.Magnetization characteristics of YBa2Cu3O7-x bulk superconductors prepared from modified precursor powders, JY He, YH Zhu, KL Yang, Q Zhang, DF Zhou, X Yao, CB Cai, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 31 (2021) No 5, 6800405
199.Muon Spin Relaxation and fluctuating magnetism in the pseudogap phase of YBa2Cu3Oy, ZH Zhu, J Zhang, ZF Ding, C Tan, CS Chen, Q Wu, YX Yang, OO Bernal, PC Ho, GD Morris, A Koda, AD Hillier, SP Cottrell, PJ Baker, PK Biswas, J Qian, X Yao, DE MacLaughlin, L Shu, Phys. Rev. B. 103 (2021) 134426
200.The orientation transition and control of REBCO films grown by liquid phase epitaxy, SM Huang, X Yao, Cryst. Growth Des. 21 (2021) 5998−6024 Review
201.An In Situ Self-assembly Strategy for Exact-(110)-plane-controlled Crystallization of High-performance YBa2Cu3O7-x Single Grains, YH Zhu, K Zmorayová, YX Zhang, JY He, P Diko, DF Zhou, X Yao, Ceram. Int. 48 (2022) 22196-22205
202. Effects of Zn Doping on Superconducting Properties of Melt Textured Y–Ba–Cu–O Bulk Superconductors, JY He, YC Wang, WH Li, YH Zhu, XF Liu, DF Zhou, YB Zhang, X Yao, CB Cai, Supercond. Sci. & Tech. 35 (2022) 074005
203. Enhanced magnetic properties of YBCO bulk superconductors with tailored structure by a novel seeding assembly, Q Gao, YH Zhu, XF Gu, JY Zhou, M Radušovská, JY He, P Diko, DF Zhou, X Yao, Ceram. Int. 48 (2022) 32056-32063
204. Natural strategies for creating non-equilibrium morphology with self-repairing capability towards rapid growth of excellent YBa2Cu3O7−δ crystals, YH Zhu, Y Yang, XF Gu, Q Gao, P Diko, X Yao, IUCrJ, 10 (2023), 177–188
205.Sustainable recycling for epitaxial growth of YBa2Cu3O7−δ cryomagnets: from discarded buffer-crystals to superior seeds, YH Zhu, HH Xu, JL Yang, Q Gao, XF Gu, XC Wang, DF Zhou, X Yao, Ceram. Int. 49 (2023) 13347-13354
206.The Orbital Effect on the Anomalous Magnetism and Evolution in LaxY1-xVO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) Single Crystals, Y Wan, JL Jiao, Y Wu, XM Wang, RR Zhang, QY Sun, W Tong, GH Wang, QY Ren, JF Zhu, BR Zhao, M Zhang, MN Chen, J Weissenrieder, X Yao, J Ma, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 932 (2023) 167526
207. Selective coupling of coherent optical phonons in YBa2Cu3O7−δ with electronic transitions, K Ishioka, A Pashkin, C Bernhard, H Petek, X Yao, J Demsar, Phys. Rev. B, 107 (2023) 184302 https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01983
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