Jin Yu Professor
  • Institute of Optical Science and Technology
  • 激光物质相互作用:物理和应用
  • Room 427, No. 5 Science Building
  • jin.yu@sjtu.edu.cn

1983 – 1985  M.Sc. Paris 6 University and EcoleNormaleSupérieure of Paris, France
1985 – 1988  Ph.D. Paris 6 University, Quantum Physics, France
1988 – 1994  Post-Doc Researcher, Aimé Cotton Laboratory, Orsay and Paris Observatory, France
1994 – 2005  Associate Professor, Lyon 1 University, France
2000     Qualification for supervision of research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) Lyon 1 University
2005 – 2016 Professor in Physics Department, Lyon 1 University
            First-Class Professor since the September 2008
2016.4–2018.4 Dean of the SJTU-Paris Tech Elite Institute of Technology
2016.10–Chair Professor, School of Physics and Astrophysics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

1985 – 1988  Storage and laser cooling of ions in Paul trap for atomic frequency standards
1988 – 1994  Laser cooling and trapping of atoms for atomic clock with cold atoms
1994 – 1999  Detection and analysis of atmospheric air pollutions with LIDAR
1999 – 2005  Filamentation of femtosecond ultra-intense laser pulses in the atmosphere and applications for lightning control and air pollution detection
2005 – 2016 Dynamics of laser-induced plasma and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and applications in environmental pollution analyses and industrial process controls 
Present research interests:  Laser-induced plasma physics and spectroscopy, application of laser spectroscopy to the exploration of the deep space, nonlinear optics with ultrashort and ultra-intense lasers

Scientific research activities

1985 – 1988  Storage and laser cooling of ions in Paul trap for atomic frequency standards
1988 – 1994  Laser cooling and trapping of atoms for atomic clock with cold atoms
1994 – 1999  Detection and analysis of atmospheric air pollutions with LIDAR
1999 – 2005  Filamentation of femtosecond ultra-intense laser pulses in the atmosphere and applications for lightning control and air pollution detection
2005 – 2016 Dynamics of laser-induced plasma and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and applications in environmental pollution analyses and industrial process controls 
Present research interests:  Laser-induced plasma physics and spectroscopy, application of laser spectroscopy to the exploration of the deep space, nonlinear optics with ultrashort and ultra-intense lasers

Scientific publications 

~140(137 in Web of Science) papers in peer review journals (1 Science, 1 Nature Photonics, 5 Physical Review Letters, 10 Applied Physics Letters, 1 Scientific Reports), ~ 30 invited talks, numerous contributing talks in conferences, numerous proceedings, 4 French patents.
Web of Science: Sum of the Times Cited: 5135, without self-citation 4705, Average Citations per Item: ~37.48, h-index: 40

Expertise, committee, and responsibilities

- Co-Editor, Applied Physics B, Laser and Photonics
- Member of Editorial Board: SpectrochimicaActa B
- Member of Editorial Board: Frontiers of Physics
- Chair of the 9th International Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, 12 – 16 September 2016, Chamonix, France. (
- PhD and master supervisions: 7 PhD thesis defended, 3 PhD underway; tens of masters internships and post-Doc (France, China, Spain, Russia, Slovak, Hong Kong…)
- Member of International Scientific Committee of European and Mediterranean LIBS
- Member of International Scientific Committee of international LIBS

  1. F. Courvoisier, V. Boutou, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, G. Méjean, J. Yu, J.P. Wolf, Ultra-intense Light Filaments Transmitted through Clouds, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83(2), 213-215 (2003).

  2. J. Kasparian, M. Rodriguez, G. Méjean, J. Yu, E. Salmon, H. Wille, R. Bourayou, S. Frey, Y.B. Andre, A. Mysyrowicz, R. Sauerbrey, J.P. Wolf, L. Woeste, White Light Filaments for Atmospheric Analysis, Science 301(5629), 61-64 (2003).

  3. S. Skupin, L. Bergé, U. Peschel, F. Lederer, G. Méjean, J. Yu, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, J. P. Wolf, M. Rodriguez, L. Wöste, R. Bourayou, and R. Sauerbrey, Filamentation of femtosecond light pulses in the air: Turbulent cells versus long-range clusters, Phys. Rev. E 70, 046602 (2004).

  4.  K. Stelmaszczyk, Ph. Rohwetter, J. Yu, G. Méjean, E. Salmon, J. Kasparian, J.-P. Wolf, and L. Wöste, Long-distance remote laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using filamentation in air, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 3977-3979 (2004).

  5. R. Ackermann, K. Stelmaszczyk, P. Rohwetter, G. Méjean, E. Salmon, J. Yu, J. Kasparian, G. Méchain, V. Bergmann, S. Schaper, B. Weise, T. Kumm, K. Rethmeier, W. Kalkner, J. P. Wolf and L. Wöste, Triggering and guiding of megavolt discharges by laser-induced filaments under rain conditions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 5781 (2004).

  6. L. Bergé, S. Skupin, G. Méjean, J. Kasparian, J. Yu, S. Frey, E. Salmon et J. P. Wolf, “Supercontinuum emission and enhanced self-guiding of infrared femtosecond filaments sustained by third-harmonic generation in air”, Phys. Rev. E 71  016602 (2005).

  7. G. Méjean, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, J. Yu, S. Frey, J. P. Wolf, S. Skupin, A. Vincotte, R. Nuter, S. Champeaux and L. Bergé, Multifilamentation Transmission through Fog, Phys. Rev. E. 72, 026611 (2005).

  8. G. Méjean, J. Kasparian, J. Kasparian, E. Salmon, J. Yu, J. P. Wolf, Kay Rethmeier, WilfriedKalkner, Ph. Rohwetter, K. Stelmaszczyk and L. Wöste, Improved laser triggering and guiding of megavolt discharges with dual fs-ns pulses, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021101 (2006).

  9. MatthieuBaudelet, Jin Yu, MyriamBossu, Julien Jovelet, and Jean-Pierre Wolf, Tanguy Amodeo and EmericFréjafon, Patrick Laloi, Discrimination of microbiological samples using femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 163903 (2006).

  10. Jin Yu, Qianli Ma, Vincent Motto-Ros, Wenqi Lei, Xiaochun Wang, Xueshi Bai, Generation and expansion of laser-induced plasma as a spectroscopic emission source, Front. Phy., 7, 649-669 (2012).

  11. Jin Yu and Ronger Zheng, Laser-induced plasma and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in China: The challenge and the opportunity, Front. Phys., 7, 647-648 (2012).

  12. JunshanXiu, Xueshi Bai, ErwanNegre, Vincent Motto-Ros, and Jin Yu, Indirect laser-induced breakdown of transparent thin gel layer for sensitive trace element detection, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 244101 (2013).

  13. Qianli Ma, Vincent Motto-Ros, Xueshi Bai and Jin Yu, Experimental investigation of the structure and the dynamics of nanosecond laser-induced plasma in one-atmosphere argon ambient gas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 204101 (2013).

  14. L. Sancey, V. Motto-Ros, B. Busser, S. Kotb, J. M. Benoit, A. Piednoir, F. Lux, O. Tillement, G. Panczer and J. Yu, Laser spectrometry for multi-elementalimaging of biological tissues, Sci. Rep., 4, 6065 (2014).

  15. Yanping Chen, Zhelin Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Xiaohui Yuan, Feng Liu, Min Chen, Jianqiu Xu, Jin Yu, Zhengming Sheng, and Jie Zhang, Spectral interference of terahertz pulses from two laser filaments in air, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106 (2015) 221105.

  16. Ye Tian, Ekaterina B. Sokolova, Ronger Zheng, Qianli Ma, Yanping Chen, and Jin Yu, Characteristics of ablation plume induced on glass for analysis purposes with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, SpectrochimicaActa B, 114, 7-14 (2015).

  17. Xueshi Bai, Fan Cao, Vincent Motto-Ros, Yanping Chen and Jin Yu, Morphology and characteristics of laser-induced aluminum plasma in argon and in air: a comparative study, Spectrochim. Acta B, 113, 158-166 (2015).

  18. Georg Daniel Förster, Marie Girault, Jérôme Menneveux, Luc Lavisse, Jean-Marie Jouvard, Maria del Carmen Marco de Lucas, Valérie Potin, François-Xavier Ouf, Moussa Kerkar, Jean-Luc Le Garrec, Erwann Carvou, Sophie Carles, Franck Rabilloud, Florent Calvo, Jin Yu, and James Brian Mitchell, Oxidation-induced surface roughening of aluminum nanoparticles formed in an ablation plume, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 246101 (2015).

  19. Ye Tian, Hoi Ching Cheung, Ronger Zheng, Qianli Ma, Yanping Chen, Nicole Delepine-Gilonand Jin Yu, Elemental analysis in powders with surface-assisted thin film laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, SpectrochimicaActa B 214 (2016) 16-24.

  20. Zhelin Zhang, Yanping Chen,Min Chen, Zhen Zhang, Jin Yu, Zhengming Sheng, and Jie Zhang, Controllable Terahertz Radiation from a Linear-Dipole Array Formed by a Two-Color Laser Filament in Air, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 243901 (2016).

  21. Ye Tian, Chunhua Yan, Tianlong Zhang, Hongsheng Tang, Hua Li, Jialu Yu,Jérôme Bernard, Li Chen, Serge Martin, Nicole Delepine-Gilon, Jana Bocková, Pavel Veis, Yanping Chen, and Jin Yu, Classification of wines according to their production regions with the contained trace elements using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, SpectrochimicaActa B 135 (2017) 91-101.

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