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Shanghai Jiao Tong University was admitted as a member institute of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN

Release date:2012-10-12 Page views:1468

The “ATLAS Overview Week 2012” was successfully held in Montreux, Switzerland from Oct. 1 to Oct. 5, 2012. Many latest physics results from ATLAS experiment were presented, as well as numerous presentations and discussions about the ATLAS phase 1 (2013-2014) and phase 2 (2018) upgrade plans. The conference also organized a special session dedicated to “LEP3 and TLEP: a circular e+e- collider to study the Higgs Boson properties”, among several proposals to build so called “Higgs Factory”, there is one from high energy physics community in China about building a 50km circular e+e- collider (BLEP).

It will be marvelous if the proposed huge collider could be built on Chinese soil, and there should be no doubt that China will take the leading role in high energy frontier collider physics in the 21st century.

The ATLAS spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti presented the request of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU) to join the ATLAS Chinese Cluster and to become a member institute of the ATLAS collaboration during the 73rd Collaboration Board (CB) meeting on October 5, 2012. The request was discussed and passed the CB meeting smoothly. Hence, SJTU was admitted to the ATLAS Collaboration as a new member institute being part of the ATLAS Chinese Cluster. The ATLAS collaboration has more than 3000 researchers from 174 institutes in 38 countries. Most of the world’s top universities are participating research projects on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The high energy physics group at Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology (INPAC) is led by Prof. Haijun Yang (member of “Shanghai 1000-talent program” and “National Youth 1000-talent program”,helped to discover Higgs boson at CERN/ATLAS experiment) and Prof. Liang Li (member of “National Youth 1000-talent program”,helped to discover single top quark at Fermilab/D0 experiment). Being an official member of the ATLAS collaboration greatly helps the newly established research group participate energy frontier research project and make significant contributions to future breakthrough and discoveries in high energy frontier physics.

We highly appreciate many important figures who made great efforts and strong supports during this application process, including Principal of SJTU Prof. Jie Zhang and Dean of Physics Department Prof. Xiangdong Ji for their great efforts to recruit outstanding scientists from abroad and to provide strong financial support;NSFC and MOST for their funding support;Group leader of the ATLAS Chinese Cluster Prof. Shan Jin (IHEP), Prof. Zhengguo Zhao (USTC), ATLAS spokesperson Dr. Fabiola Gianotti, Dr. Peter Jenni(former spokesperson, visited SJTU twice), and Prof. Bing Zhou for their strong supports.

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